
Showing 13–24 of 37 results

  • Exploring Neurodiversity

    From £674 for up to 12 delegates

    This 3-hour course is designed for team members seeking a deeper understanding of neurodiversity and its impact on the workplace. Learners will explore various neurodivergent conditions, gaining insights into the strengths and challenges associated with each.

  • AWOL, absence, capability dismissals training, Derby, Nottingham, East Midlands

    Managing Absence

    From £674 for up to 12 delegates

    This highly practical course covers many aspects of absence, including some of the more complex scenarios.

  • Managing Bullying & Harassment

    From £842 for up to 12 delegates

    Do your employees talk about the B word? Where B is for Banter. This common reference can land an employer in all sorts of hot water, especially as the employer can be liable for their employee's 'banter', which can sometimes lead to claims of harassment or bullying. We will show you how to informally nip some grievances in the bud but also deal sensibly and calmly with serious allegations.

  • Managing Change

    From £674 for up to 12 delegates

    In this workshop we explore change processes and the actions leaders and managers can take to support change, specifically emotional responses. Conflict can be an unfortunate outcome of change initiatives so during this session you will get the chance to find out if you are a shark, a teddy bear, an owl, a fox, or a turtle when it comes to your conflict resolution style.

  • Managing Conflict

    From £842 for up to 12 delegates

    Are you the peacemaker in your organisation? Are you the person often called in to negotiate a truce. Do you want to understand conflict resolution strategies and techniques? Our managing conflict programme will provide you with the know-how to channel your UN peacekeeper skills.

  • Managing Difficult Conversations

    From £674 for up to 12 delegates

    Are there difficult conversations you're putting off having? You know, those ones that give you that knot in your stomach just thinking about them? The ones that all your team members can see you're busy avoiding? You are not alone, many line managers feel exactly the same way. Fear not! We'll show you a super simple framework to guide you through difficult conversations, and share a wealth of tips to help you feel calm, confident, and in control.

  • Disciplinaries, dismissals, tribunals training, Derby, Nottingham, East Midlands

    Managing Disciplinaries

    From £842 for up to 12 delegates

    No two ways about it, dismissing an employee strikes fears into most employers hearts. And can be a stressful experience for both the employer and employee and throw the workplace into turmoil. We provide you with the know-how and tools to promote a zen-like calmness to deal with the trickiest disciplinaries.

  • Managing Effective One-to-Ones

    From £674 for up to 12 delegates

    Want to give honest, meaningful feedback? Then forget the s????????t sandwich you were always taught. Everyone hates it! Instead get to the point, be honest and open and don’t beat around the bush. You will come away with a simple structure to give great feedback and a step-by-step process to have 1-1s that everyone wants.

  • Managing Grievances

    From £842 for up to 12 delegates

    What IS a grievance? Sometimes they can be obvious other times hard to spot. It’s a concern, problem or complaint that an employee raises with their employer. Grievances can sometimes take on a life of their own, and positions become entrenched. We think the key is to not let things escalate, and where possible (and if appropriate) have an honest conversation to understand and listen to the employee's concerns. Often managers shy away from this worries they will say the 'wrong thing'. Our course will show you exactly how to do that and in turn save you, your employees and your managers time, stress and the cost of dealing with these.

  • Managing Hybrid Workers

    From £674 for up to 12 delegates

    This workshop will guide managers on how to manage, performance manage and boost productivity of hybrid teams. Dealing with team members both at home and in the workplace can be a challenge so we will discuss our top tips to getting it right and the 4 building blocks to support your hybrid future.

  • Conducting investigations training, Derby, Nottingham, East Midlands

    Managing Investigations

    From £842 for up to 12 delegates

    A thorough investigation forms the bedrock of all disciplinary and grievance hearings, get this part wrong and everything that follows is built on sand. From our years of investigative experience, we will share what a good investigation entails, and how to deal with the twists and turns that a methodical investigation invariably unearths. We will also outline the investigative standards an Employment Tribunal expects.

  • Managing Performance

    From £674 for up to 12 delegates

    Want to get everyone in your team performing like it’s the final of Britain's Got Talent? Then channel your inner BGT judge to get the most from your team! Come away with an understanding of the factors that affect your team performance and a handy template PDP.

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