HR & Employment Law

We can deliver all of the courses below either as online webinars or as classroom-based training, with durations adjustable from two hours to a full day.

Showing 1–12 of 13 results

  • Developing Interviewing Skills

    From £674 for up to 12 delegates ( + VAT)

    Do you find time and time again you recruit a person and not the person? So, channel your inner Simon Cowell and understand how to spot talent and identify potential. We will share with you values based recruitment and person-organisation-fit. Let us share with you how to sharpen your interview skills to really dig down below the jazz hands and spangly CV to find out if the candidate really has got talent.

  • AWOL, absence, capability dismissals training, Derby, Nottingham, East Midlands

    Managing Absence

    From £674 for up to 12 delegates ( + VAT)

    This highly practical course covers many aspects of absence, including some of the more complex scenarios.

  • Managing Bullying & Harassment

    From £842 for up to 12 delegates ( + VAT)

    Do your employees talk about the B word? Where B is for Banter. This common reference can land an employer in all sorts of hot water, especially as the employer can be liable for their employee's 'banter', which can sometimes lead to claims of harassment or bullying. We will show you how to informally nip some grievances in the bud but also deal sensibly and calmly with serious allegations.

  • Managing Conflict

    From £842 for up to 12 delegates ( + VAT)

    Are you the peacemaker in your organisation? Are you the person often called in to negotiate a truce? Do you want to understand conflict resolution strategies and techniques? Our managing conflict programme will provide you with the know-how to channel your UN peacekeeper skills.

  • Disciplinaries, dismissals, tribunals training, Derby, Nottingham, East Midlands

    Managing Disciplinaries

    From £842 for up to 12 delegates ( + VAT)

    No two ways about it, dismissing an employee strikes fears into most employers hearts. And can be a stressful experience for both the employer and employee and throw the workplace into turmoil. We provide you with the know-how and tools to promote a zen-like calmness to deal with the trickiest disciplinaries.

  • Managing Grievances

    From £842 for up to 12 delegates ( + VAT)

    What IS a grievance? Sometimes they can be obvious other times hard to spot. It’s a concern, problem or complaint that an employee raises with their employer. Grievances can sometimes take on a life of their own, and positions become entrenched. We think the key is to not let things escalate, and where possible (and if appropriate) have an honest conversation to understand and listen to the employee's concerns. Often managers shy away from this worries they will say the 'wrong thing'. Our course will show you exactly how to do that and in turn save you, your employees and your managers time, stress and the cost of dealing with these.

  • Conducting investigations training, Derby, Nottingham, East Midlands

    Managing Investigations

    From £842 for up to 12 delegates ( + VAT)

    A thorough investigation forms the bedrock of all disciplinary and grievance hearings, get this part wrong and everything that follows is built on sand. From our years of investigative experience, we will share what a good investigation entails, and how to deal with the twists and turns that a methodical investigation invariably unearths. We will also outline the investigative standards an Employment Tribunal expects.

  • Managing Protected Conversations

    From £842 for up to 12 delegates ( + VAT)

    You say toh-mah-toh and I say toh-may-toh. Sometimes for whatever reason things just don't work out between an employer and employee. And sometimes a short cut may be required to end the employment relationship, without recourse to a long drawn out process. But how to approach this? How do you introduce the topic? And what should you and more importantly shouldn't you say? Let us guide you through the ins and outs of protected conversations what these are, and when to use them.

  • Managing Recruitment

    From £674 for up to 12 delegates ( + VAT)

    Most employers think recruitment is pretty straightforward it's just a chat right? But did you know from the advertisement, to the job description and the interview arrangements there are many pitfalls where the employer can inadvertently discriminate? We distill the best practice guidance from the Employment Code of Practice to enable you to recruit within the law. We share what to do and not what to do and so avoid that stomach churning moment a claim lands on your desk.

  • Managing Redundancy

    From £842 for up to 12 delegates ( + VAT)

    Redundancies can be a challenge for the most seasoned manager, fraught with high emotions and employment law pitfalls. This programme walks you through a step by step process, minus the legalese to navigate this successfully minus the stress.

  • Sexual harassment training, Derby, Nottingham, East Midlands

    Managing Sexual Harassment

    From £842 for up to 12 delegates ( + VAT)

    This course will show you the practical steps that can be taken to ensure a business culture that rejects sexual harassment and victimisation, and so lays the groundwork to tackle behavioural issues which may underpin discrimination.

  • Understanding Employment Contracts

    From £842 for up to 12 delegates ( + VAT)

    Do you know your zero hours from your fixed-term contracts? Or your casual worker from your permanent contract? Let us decipher the complexity of contracts and unravel these in simple terms so you can work out which is best for your business. We will also soothe the pain that is varying contracts of employment and walk you through exactly how you need to go about this without the headache!

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