Managing Wellbeing for Leaders

From £674 for up to 12 delegates ( + VAT)

For wellbeing at work to be truly effective it has to be more than just ‘Free Fruit Fridays’. It has to be an holistic strategic approach led from the top and to look at all aspects of company culture and processes. With a 6 stage action plan template to guide you through the process when will you get started?


We are facing a mental health crisis with the worsening of pre-existing conditions, to the development of new mental health issues.

The demands and challenges of supporting our employee’s wellbeing is vital. Everyone’s case is different, from those that continue to work suffering anxiety and burnout, to the home workers struggling to juggle their responsibilities. Businesses must prioritise not only the physical health of their team but also their mental health.

Do the legal implications of mental health problems concern you?

Do you know where to start with managing and supporting wellbeing?

Our Managing Wellbeing for Leaders course will enable you to start the process to plan and implement a wellbeing strategy to support your employees.

The session is aimed at business owners and Line Managers who want to clearly understand what they can do at a strategic and practical level to positively support the wellbeing of their employees.

Course Content

This course covers:

Half-day session

  • Outlining the legal picture – Equality Act 2010, disability and health & safety in the workplace
  • Discussing the impact of mental health problems on the workplace
  • Practical business focused actions to prevent, intervene early and support employees
  • Taking a holistic approach to your wellbeing strategy
  • Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues
  • Confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress

1-day session

All the above plus:

  • Utilising steps we can all take to improve and maintain our own mental wellbeing
  • Case studies to explore the common challenges of supporting wellbeing
  • Developing an action plan of how you can move your wellbeing strategy forward


Full Day, Half Day, Two Hours


Classroom, Online

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