Teaching Skills

Showing all 3 results

  • Developing Coaching Skills

    From £674 for up to 12 delegates ( + VAT)

    The ability to ask the right questions is a powerful management skill. We will show you how to channel your inner Jedi to support your team to work out the answers to their questions. We will share a super simple coaching model that you can utilise for either day to day conversations, or more structured coaching for your team's development.

  • Developing Presentation Delivery Skills

    From £674 for up to 12 delegates ( + VAT)

    Want to confidently strut your stuff presenting like a a super cool tech boss at an Apple convention in a turtle neck and jeans? This course could get you on your way. You get to leave with our top 10 tips for delivering a presentation with impact.

  • Developing Presentation Design Skills

    From £674 for up to 12 delegates ( + VAT)

    Do you want to be able to design presentations that keep your audience engaged without the need to be a PowerPoint tech genius? Then this is the session for you! This session will help you structure your presentation to deliver your key message without the waffle!

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