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East Midlands


HR & Employment Law


Developing Interviewing Skills



  • Developing Interviewing Skills

    Do you find time and time again you recruit a person and not *the* person? So, channel your inner Simon Cowell and understand how to spot talent and identify potential.…

  • Managing Absence

    Managing Absence

    This course covers practical aspects of managing absence and deals with some of the more complex scenarios involving long-term absences.

  • Managing Bullying & Harassment

    Managing Bullying & Harassment

    Do your employees talk about the B word? Where B is for Banter. This common reference can land an employer in all sorts of hot water, especially as the employer…

  • Managing Conflict

    Managing Conflict

    Are you the peacemaker in your organisation? Are you the person often called in to negotiate a truce? Do you want to understand conflict resolution strategies and techniques? Our managing…

  • Managing Disciplinaries

    Managing Disciplinaries

    No two ways about it, dismissing an employee strikes fears into most employers hearts. And can be a stressful experience for both the employer and employee and throw the workplace…

  • Managing Grievances

    Managing Grievances

    What IS a grievance? Sometimes they can be obvious other times hard to spot. It’s a concern, problem or complaint that an employee raises with their employer. Grievances can sometimes…

  • Managing Investigations

    Managing Investigations

    A thorough investigation forms the bedrock of all disciplinary and grievance hearings, get this part wrong and everything that follows is built on sand. From our years of investigative experience,…

  • Managing Protected Conversations

    Managing Protected Conversations

    You say toh-mah-toh and I say toh-may-toh. Sometimes for whatever reason things just don’t work out between an employer and employee. And sometimes a short cut may be required to…

  • Managing Recruitment

    Managing Recruitment

    Most employers think recruitment is pretty straightforward it’s just a chat right? But did you know from the advertisement, to the job description and the interview arrangements there are many…

  • Managing Redundancy

    Managing Redundancy

    Redundancies can be a challenge for the most seasoned manager, fraught with high emotions and employment law pitfalls. This programme walks you through a step by step process, minus the…

  • Managing Sexual Harassment

    Managing Sexual Harassment

    This course will show you the practical steps that can be taken to ensure a business culture that rejects sexual harassment and victimisation, and so lays the groundwork to tackle…

  • Understanding Employment Contracts

    Understanding Employment Contracts

    Do you know your zero hours from your fixed-term contracts? Or your casual worker from your permanent contract? Let us decipher the complexity of contracts and unravel these in simple…

  • Understanding Equality & Diversity

    Understanding Equality & Diversity

    We look at the practical aspects of managing equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Often managers feel ill equipped to have conversations relating to a person’s race, gender, or…